Making it easy to buy and sell a classic
From our home in the Cotswolds, Fiennes Showroom arranges the sale of rare and valuable vintage, classic and performance cars – acting as a bridge between seller and buyer. We pride ourselves on delivering a hassle-free experience for the seller at competitive rates with no fee until the car is sold. In the meantime we can provide secure storage, transportation, servicing and so much more. The buyer benefits from our unbiased, trustworthy opinions and the opportunity to establish a business relationship with our group that could continue for life.
First and foremost,
a personal service
Fiennes Showroom offers a highly personal and dedicated service that is attentive, passionate and highly knowledgeable with a single point of contact throughout the whole process. Every sale is undertaken with the utmost impartiality and with the aim of finding the right buyer for the right car. Overall, Fiennes Showroom looks to earn the trust of their clients, whether buying or selling.